
Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo.

Remove bandage within 1-4 hours after getting your tattoo but only when you are ready and able to wash it for the first time.

Wash your tattoo with an anti-bacterial liquid soap. Be gentle but thorough.

Gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Do not rub, or use a fabric with a rough surface.

Rub a small amount of unscented undyed lotion on your tattoo. Make sure to rub the lotion in so that it is not shiny, or greasy. Pat off any excess lotion with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Wash, dry and apply lotion 3-5 times daily, as needed.

Do not rebandage your tattoo.

In a few days your tattoo will begin to peel. This is normal! Do not pick at the skin.

Use lotion for minimum 3 weeks, 1-2 times daily.

Things to avoid:

Do not use any ointments such as A&D, Neosporin, Aquaphor or any other vaseline based products.

Do not pick, scratch, peel, slap, rub or irritate your tattoo. If it is exsesively itchy it is best to wash the area and apply fresh lotion.

You can shower, but you may not over soak your tattoo as this can cause scabbing and lifting of the ink when exposed for too long to moisture.

No swimming, hot tubs, rivers, ocean or mudding until it is healed. Florida has many different kinds of bacteria in its waters, particularly a flesh eating one and it is best to wait.

You should not expose your tattoo to the sun for at least 3 weeks, after that you should use sunblock to protect the ink from fading.

Do not wear abrasive clothing, materials, jewelry, or shoes that rub against your healing tattoo.

Do not let anyone touch your healing tattoo, unless they wash their hands.

Beware of gym equipment, wash it well before using it.

Also be aware of things you may touch like door handles and countertops. Avoid touching your healing tattoo until you are able to wash your hands

You can also:

Ice your tattoo to reduce swelling.

Elevate your tattoo, to reduce swelling.

Recommended soap and lotion brands:

Antibacterial liquid soap, Dial or another off brand as long as it is unscented. Nothing with added scents or exfoliants.

Unscented undyed lotion brands: Aveeno, Cetaphil, Curel, Lubriderm

***If you do not take care of your tattoo, it may become infected or damaged. Infections are very red around the outside of the tattoo and may have thin red lines extending from it. It may ooze, pus, or bleed abnormally. If you think your tattoo is infected, seek medical attention immediately.***

Long term after care:

Most people do not take into consideration the long term care truly needed to insure that your artwork quality will last throughout the years. Living here in Florida particularly exposes us to summer conditions most of the year making us want to dress for the weather and/or activities.

Tattoo ink is just like any other color product and if it isn’t protected from UV sun exposure then it will fade over time, even faster for those that are constantly exposing them to the sun. If you cannot stay out of the sun it is best to Invest in some Dri-fit style shirts and sunblock - Neutrogena Ultra Sheer is a great one.